Systems Integration

Guest Access, by Elevator Floor, Stair Floor, and by Door - Without a Card or Fob?


Cameras that Can Spot and Alert Unusual Behavior, Like Bullying or Sexual Harassment?


Cameras that Can Spot and Alert Flagged License Plates, Faces, or Asset Tags?


Systems Integration, aka Hardware

Although we are able to inherit and monitor almost any system, we also design, sell, and install the most cost effective and cutting edge technology in cameras, access control, multi sensors, burglar alarms, automated ingress & egress solutions (automatic gates and doors), and more. We are always on the leading edge of hardware technology. We use our knowledge and experience to cut through the noise of the thousands of offerings in the hardware world to bring you the best fit and the right tools for your project. We are incredibly efficient and our prices will surprise you. Apples to apples we will not be beat on installed hardware prices. We err on the side of our client’s protection not our bottom line. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

We excel in sourcing and partnering with the latest technology from the most reputable and reliable manufacturers and distributors. However the best technology is useless if it isn’t deployed properly. This is where our team’s 30+ years of experience really stands out. We are able to leverage that knowledge to efficiently design the most effective systems to achieve your goals.

Whether its as simple as four cameras to watch a construction staging and storage yard. Or, as complex as a multi-building campus with hundreds of cameras, hundreds of access control doors, multiple automatic access control auto gates with a point of sale, burglar alarms, audio sensors, air sensors, chemical sensors, environmental sensors, and thousands of asset tags all communicating over a massive wireless mesh network - We Are Your One Stop Shop for all things IOT. We can do it all, AND then wrap it all into a single platform or user interface with one bill from one vendor.

We have our favorite hardware and are happy to suggest what we like for each situation. However, we can also take your legacy systems and tie them together into easier to operate platforms to help you get the most out of the equipment investments you have already made.

Whatever equipment you already have or whatever you need, we want to be your trusted resource and partner when it comes to systems integration or hardware and installation.


Ready to learn more?
Contact our sales team for assistance