Video Library

These crooks meet spicy justice at a flat tire fiesta after our trained operators get Police to the scene of a multi car break in at an apartment community in north Dallas, TX. Another night where thieves are brought to justice with the help of live video monitoring provided by ElectroGuard!

An opportunistic car thief trying door handles, finds one that leads to a prison cell!

See how we help thwart attempted car burglaries in this apartment community parking garage.

Watch how we use audible warning message to deter a potential threat at this apartment community.

Watch some highlights of our work in apartment communities from 2022 & 2023.

Watch how our team directs Police to intercept a suspicious trespasser in this apartment community.

Camouflage and hiding under a UTV didn't help this fellow evade detection and apprehension on a property monitored by ElectroGuard. Our operators take extreme ownership of their accounts and understand follow through. Our trained operators stay on the phone with authorities till an event is resolved. In this case we were able to direct police well enough to tell them exactly how to approach the suspect so he couldn't slip away. WAY TO GO EG OPERATORS! Another event where an ElectroGuard client did not suffer any loss, damage, or cost from a break in on their property.

Gates are evidently optional on this night. Unfortunately for this suspect the police had a different opinion. Although the property suffered damage to the gate at least the culprit is known and can be pursued for payment. The cost of this situation would not have been mitigated without the intervention of live video monitoring. GREAT WORK EG TEAM!

Our trained and experienced operators are not fooled by the disguise of theses suspects and are able to guide Police to the right areas to get them apprehended.

Monitoring apartment communities for crime can be challenging, but when your cameras are monitored by ElectroGuard's trained staff, the bad actors are seen and apprehended. Thanks Team ElectroGuard!

Recent Auto theft bust in Austin makes the news. Fun video, news article at the end! Thanks Team ElectroGuard!

These two dudes are out cruising for a new ride and end up in cuffs because they tried to steal a bike from an ElectroGuard monitored property. Another event with Zero loss, Zero new costs, and a nice email with video in the client's inbox in the morning instead of an angry tenant. Thanks Team ElectroGuard!

The Johnny Utahs that responded to our dispatch got two out of three crooks on this night. It is amazing that two hid and then continued to lurk around after one was already arrested. Luckily ElectroGuard operators are diligent and stay on the phone with dispatch to inform and insist that more perps are still on site, and we get at least one more. Another great crime prevention by ElectroGuard's team of highly trained and experienced monitors! From this event, ElectroGuard's client received ZERO damage, ZERO extra cost, ZERO angry residents or staff...Call today to see if we are a fit to help you too! +1-844-225-5770!

A couple fine young gentlemen decide to see what their local apartment community has to offer in their package room. This property has ElectroGuard Remote Video Guards watching their cameras and these two gentlemen's efforts are rewarded with a night in jail and our client has a nice video in their inbox in the morning. Zero loss and Zero unexpected costs! Thanks Team ElectroGuard for another great job!

This unfortunate young individual is stuck in the elevator and her stuff goes up...while she is going down. Luckily our operators are watching and are able to get Fire fighters to the scene quicker than otherwise. Thank you Team ElectroGuard!

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting...until the police arrived after a call from ElectroGuard's trained staff after they notice the unruly behavior in the lobby at one of client's properties. Thanks Team ElectroGuard!

This is an incredible video showcasing technology at work. The first camera is a dual thermal & HD imager camera. It is a hot summer night in august where body temp and air temp are similar enough to make thermal imaging a challenge to the eye. However, with analytics and AI analyzing the thermal and the visual stream ElectroGuard operators are able to see the suspect BEFORE he enters the property, where he is dropped off on the street. Our operators were able to begin dispatching police instantly. Even though the police did not arrive in time to catch the suspect, they were able scare him off and the ElectroGuard client did not suffer any loss, damage, or cost out of what may have been an expensive event. GREAT WORK ELECTROGUARD TEAM!

ElectroGuard operators were able to achieve what is next to impossible recently. They were able to get police to the scene of a bike theft in time for the officers to apprehend the suspect and return the bike within a short time of it being stolen. This never happens. Instead of the property manager having to deal with an angry tenant, they get a video in their email in the morning showing this event and its positive outcome. AGAIN, ElectroGuard Live Monitoring is able to prevent a theft and the client incurred ZERO COST, ZERO DAMAGE, AND ZERO ANGRY RESIDENTS (for now).

Here is what happened off camera. From police: KVUE News Story. Apt Mailbox theft goes to SWAT

We noticed an individual attempting to open many mailboxes and dispatched police. What started as some petty mail theft turned into a hospital trip, several escapes from police custody, a stolen squad car, and ends in a standoff with SWAT. Turns out the individual had quite a list of felony warrants. GREAT WORK ELECTROGUARD TEAM! Got this guy off the streets and helped protect this client's tenants.

This gentlemen thought he had covered all his bases when breaking into this dealership, but with proactive live video monitoring from ElectroGuard he was only successful in getting himself arrested. Let us watch your dealership while you are closed and you will get results like this instead of just a nice recording of who stole all your stuff. GREAT WORK EG TEAM!

This is a great video. Because of our analytics, our operators were able to take start dispatching police while this particular individual thought he was still hidden in the dark. Another instance of an ElectroGuard client suffering ZERO DAMAGE, ZERO LOSS, and ZERO COST. GREAT WORK ELECTROGUARD OPERATORS!

Luckily the design and development team chose good hardware for this facility and the management partnered with a competent live video monitoring service like ElectroGuard. These two seem somewhat organized and there is no telling what they had planned if they had gained entry to the interior of the property. GREAT WORK EG TEAM getting police to the scene to stop this event.

Live Video Monitoring is not always about preventing crime and saving money. Sometimes it is a watchful eye that can help when others can't. We all have bad days and things happen. Thanks to ElectroGuard operators this event amounted to nothing more than a scare and maybe some embarrassment. This unfortunate event could have turned out much different had someone not been watching the cameras. Visit to learn more or click to schedule a consultation/demo on our calendar:

Thanks for watching! We are grateful for your time!

ElectroGuard's trained monitors prove once again that Live Video Monitoring is the best defense against criminal activity and poor resident experience at your community.

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This gentleman gained entry to a door that was accidentally left open in this community and then hid in a corridor inside the building. Luckily this property has live video monitoring from ElectroGuard. EG operators were able to alert the proper authorities and this uninvited guest got an escort off property and new accommodations with local law enforcement. This event could have turned out much different without live video monitoring. Contact ElectroGuard to learn more.

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Call: +1-844-225-5770 x9069

Mail theft is an increasing problem at Multi-family communities. We are stopping at least 3 mailbox theft attempts per week right now. Here is a recent example. Events like this can have a major negative impact on resident experience. Contracting with a Live Video Monitoring company like ElectroGuard can help ensure events like this are eliminated and resident experience can be kept high.

See what happens when someone opportunistically tries to gain unauthorized access to an apartment community live video monitored by ElectroGuard. #livevideomonitoring

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ElectroGuard operators notice an individual opening multiple mailboxes and taking mail out instead of the opposite. Our trained monitors were able to quickly assess the situation and dispatch police in time to catch the individual. An important distinction here, for live video monitoring, is that even as police departments are stating that they will not respond to non-life threatening events, they will respond to crimes in progress. With live video monitoring from ElectroGuard you can help ensure your residents experience and confidence stay at high levels in your community. Click to learn more OR to schedule an online meeting.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve!